Come Take A Walk With Us...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lost at The Park.

I have a feeling I am not the only one to blog about this today. Shannon and I took the boys to the park today in Edmond. The one that has the new really nice space ship/rocket play scape. When we first got there a group of (I guess) 20 children and 2 caregivers were lining up at the water fountain to leave and go back to their daycare center. Apparently within walking distance because they all made a human chain and walked across the street. Now, all of these children must have been around 3 because they were all the same size. I am thinking that ratio is a little high for only 2 caregivers to be watching at a public park. I don't know what is legally correct but that seems horrible to me.
30 minutes or so later I saw this little girl standing by the water fountain getting herself all wet. I wondered if one of the other Moms present just didn't care if she was playing in the water and I didn't think about it again. Well, moments later one of those Moms was asking this little girl "Where is your Mommy?" " Did you come here with other children?" This totally caught my and Shannon's attention. This little girl was all alone and unaccounted for. This other Mom asked her how old she was and she said "3". We asked her name and she said " Anastasia". I am amazed that she wasn't scared and crying, but she was just fine and kept playing alone under the play scape. Immediately this other Mom called the police and they were there within 5 minutes or less...mind you no one from this daycare has even noticed that she is missing yet and it has been at least 35 minutes if not 40. How scary is that? I was so freaked out. I cannot even imagine if that had been my child. The scariest part is how this little girl could have just wandered off. These are the little kids that are so vulnerable to harm. She wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. She let this other Mom pick her up and hold her and get her a drink out of the faucet. Never showed one ounce of fear. While the police were there another couple arrived with their children and the father mentioned that they redid this park and added a new play scape because they were having a problem with gang activity in the evenings and night time. WHAT?!? So , it makes you wonder who lives over there?
A few minutes after the police showed up here came one of the caregivers sprinting down the street toward the park. I was so happy to see that the police would not let him take this little girl with him. How were they to know if he worked there or not and if that is where she was supposed to actually be. They were very diligent and called her parents to come get her. At least someone knows how to do there job correctly. Such a scary thing and I hope her parents are going to move her to somewhere else.

1 comment:

Party Of Five said...

Update: I heard Friday night from another friend that it was on the news and thay interviewd the parents of the little girl and they are planning on keeping their daughter at this facility. Can you believe it? They are CRAZY! I was there and I saw how these people handled it and it was wrong wrong wrong. I bet these parnets don't realize HOW long their daughter wasn't even noticed to be missing by this daycare. 35 minutes people! Do you know what could happen in that length of time to a little child? Think about her.