Come Take A Walk With Us...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

To Return or Not to Boot Camp

I am trying to decide if I should try boot camp again for the next month. I don't want to get hurt again this close to our trip and be in misery the whole time we are in Italy, but then again if I am careful and cautious I would still have a little time to tone up and look better in shorts and tank tops and a swim suit....oh the horror! I need to decide before the first so I can get started on it or something else. decisions decisions. Whats a girl to do?

Meanwhile, it is a lovely summer day so I think we shall be hangin' in our backyard at the pool. Someday, I hope we can have a nice back yard with an in ground pool and a deck and a cabana. dream dream I know.

Hope everyone has a great summer day today!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

3 More Days Of School.

Only 3 days left. Conner's award ceremony is today and then Kylee's tomorrow and then the last day we have parties...then we are done!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Kylee Got My Eyes..well at least my vision anyway.

I took Kylee to the eye doctor yesterday after school because she complained of not being able to see well on the smartboard at school. What initially tipped LeeJay and I off was how she acted at Carsons graduation Tuesday night. There was a slide show playing with pictures of the children through out the school year. Every time Carson was on the the screen we would say "there he is.." and she would say "where?" After the 6th time or so I got irritated and thought she was just messing around she told me she wasn't that she really couldn't diferentiate between the kids. So to the eye docotr we go. Sure enough her vision is 20/80. Pretty significant for her age. So, she picked out the cutest frames...Hannah Montana ones with purple stars on the sides. She also is trying out a pair of day/night contacts that only have to be changed every 30 days. So far so good. She slept in them last night and said "it's as if they are not even there."
AS soon as we get her glasses in I will post a picture.

Friday, May 1, 2009

April 2009

Some pictures through the past couple of months. Lee Jay giving Carson a haircut, Kylee with her cousin Kate, Conner getting his Math Masters button at school, My Mom and Me, All the boys

End of The School Year.

Only 3 more weeks of school. Doesn't seem possible but I am SO ready for summer. I love not having to be anywhere and not having to get up at a certain time and definately not having to get 3 kids ready and out the door. I am lovin' summer already. The next three weeks ,however, is going to jammed packed with extra activities and outings. We have Spring Carnival, birthday parties, family fun night for the new school, baseball games, boot camp, school picnics, field day,field trips,award ceremonies, book reports...need I go on! Cannot wait for this month to be over and out of here!