Carson playing dress up as usual. I think he was an explorer this time. Conner got a team picture last week and we got some shots of him during the game. Kylee hanging out at the ball field.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Recent Pictures
Carson playing dress up as usual. I think he was an explorer this time. Conner got a team picture last week and we got some shots of him during the game. Kylee hanging out at the ball field.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Cool Easy Fruit Dessert
I just made this up and it was a huge hit with my kids and one of Conner's friends that was over for dinner- and from what I understand he is a VERY picky eater.
I took Strawberries amd cut them up and bananas and cut them up then added cool whip and a little sugar to taste and stirred it all together and then let it chill for about 30 minutes and yummy yummy for the tummy tummy. Give it a try y'all.
I took Strawberries amd cut them up and bananas and cut them up then added cool whip and a little sugar to taste and stirred it all together and then let it chill for about 30 minutes and yummy yummy for the tummy tummy. Give it a try y'all.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Movie or the zoo?
Well, originally I thought it was supposed to rain all weekend long so I asked the kids if they want to go to the movies today. Now, it looks like it is supposed to rain tonight not all day, so I am trying to talk them into to going to the zoo. It is not working so far with Carson. LOL
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Lost at The Park.
I have a feeling I am not the only one to blog about this today. Shannon and I took the boys to the park today in Edmond. The one that has the new really nice space ship/rocket play scape. When we first got there a group of (I guess) 20 children and 2 caregivers were lining up at the water fountain to leave and go back to their daycare center. Apparently within walking distance because they all made a human chain and walked across the street. Now, all of these children must have been around 3 because they were all the same size. I am thinking that ratio is a little high for only 2 caregivers to be watching at a public park. I don't know what is legally correct but that seems horrible to me.
30 minutes or so later I saw this little girl standing by the water fountain getting herself all wet. I wondered if one of the other Moms present just didn't care if she was playing in the water and I didn't think about it again. Well, moments later one of those Moms was asking this little girl "Where is your Mommy?" " Did you come here with other children?" This totally caught my and Shannon's attention. This little girl was all alone and unaccounted for. This other Mom asked her how old she was and she said "3". We asked her name and she said " Anastasia". I am amazed that she wasn't scared and crying, but she was just fine and kept playing alone under the play scape. Immediately this other Mom called the police and they were there within 5 minutes or less...mind you no one from this daycare has even noticed that she is missing yet and it has been at least 35 minutes if not 40. How scary is that? I was so freaked out. I cannot even imagine if that had been my child. The scariest part is how this little girl could have just wandered off. These are the little kids that are so vulnerable to harm. She wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. She let this other Mom pick her up and hold her and get her a drink out of the faucet. Never showed one ounce of fear. While the police were there another couple arrived with their children and the father mentioned that they redid this park and added a new play scape because they were having a problem with gang activity in the evenings and night time. WHAT?!? So , it makes you wonder who lives over there?
A few minutes after the police showed up here came one of the caregivers sprinting down the street toward the park. I was so happy to see that the police would not let him take this little girl with him. How were they to know if he worked there or not and if that is where she was supposed to actually be. They were very diligent and called her parents to come get her. At least someone knows how to do there job correctly. Such a scary thing and I hope her parents are going to move her to somewhere else.
30 minutes or so later I saw this little girl standing by the water fountain getting herself all wet. I wondered if one of the other Moms present just didn't care if she was playing in the water and I didn't think about it again. Well, moments later one of those Moms was asking this little girl "Where is your Mommy?" " Did you come here with other children?" This totally caught my and Shannon's attention. This little girl was all alone and unaccounted for. This other Mom asked her how old she was and she said "3". We asked her name and she said " Anastasia". I am amazed that she wasn't scared and crying, but she was just fine and kept playing alone under the play scape. Immediately this other Mom called the police and they were there within 5 minutes or less...mind you no one from this daycare has even noticed that she is missing yet and it has been at least 35 minutes if not 40. How scary is that? I was so freaked out. I cannot even imagine if that had been my child. The scariest part is how this little girl could have just wandered off. These are the little kids that are so vulnerable to harm. She wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. She let this other Mom pick her up and hold her and get her a drink out of the faucet. Never showed one ounce of fear. While the police were there another couple arrived with their children and the father mentioned that they redid this park and added a new play scape because they were having a problem with gang activity in the evenings and night time. WHAT?!? So , it makes you wonder who lives over there?
A few minutes after the police showed up here came one of the caregivers sprinting down the street toward the park. I was so happy to see that the police would not let him take this little girl with him. How were they to know if he worked there or not and if that is where she was supposed to actually be. They were very diligent and called her parents to come get her. At least someone knows how to do there job correctly. Such a scary thing and I hope her parents are going to move her to somewhere else.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Good Morning.
I woke up early today to get a little alone time and to feel less rushed. I have been waking up so late ever since I started boot camp. Conner had a game last night and he hit and ran all the way to 3rd. He did great. I only got to stay for 1/2 of it because of working out. I am already a little sick of baseball. The season is so long. It started in March and goes until mid June. Yuk. That is long. Well, my alone time just ended. Kylee is awake.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Ugly Weather just turned ugly outside. It should not be this cold in April...late April. I just want to go back to bed. I guess we are skipping church today to finish cleaning out the garage etc.. I just went to wake Lee Jay and he showed very little interest in going this morning. When he does that I don't even try because that means I am on my own getting the kids and myself ready and he will just drag himself out of bed in time to get a shower and a cup of coffee. So, I am usually stressed out and ehausted by the time we get in the car and in a bad frame of mind to be going to we will just stay home.
Good Sunday Morning.
Good Morning. Well, it is a little rainy and windy this morning but I think it is blowing East pretty quickly. Maybe it will be clear by the time we go to church. LeeJay got the garage cleared out and organized yesterday. He bought new shelves and a workbench and a storage shelf with doors for the back patio. I got lots of toys etc.. cleared out and donated. I cleaned out closets and organized a whole lot. Feels great. Well, kids are begging for food so I better start breakfast now.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
New Roofs!
I think every other house in our neighborhood is getting or preparing to get a new roof. We got hit by hail several times this year already. My 2 gripes are the nonstop flow of roofing companies coming to our door to solicite their business and when they decide to start their work before 8 am on a Saturday! I finally have a day to get my kids to sleep in and we start hearing banging at 7:30 am...come on...seriously! Could you not wait until 9 o'clock? How rude.
We are having our estimated on Monday in we shall see if it is bad enough for a new one.
Today is spring cleaning in the Osburn home. So excited!
We are having our estimated on Monday in we shall see if it is bad enough for a new one.
Today is spring cleaning in the Osburn home. So excited!
Friday, April 17, 2009
A Much Needed Break.
I made it! I finished a whole week of boot camp and lived to blog about it. Now, I get three blissful days off. Although, I think to myself....if I take these three days off will I be sore all over again come Monday? Maybe I should do some quick cardio today anyway. Crazy I know.
We are going to spring clean this weekend. LJ gets the garage and outside while I get the inside and the kids can help with both. It will be such a good feeling once it is all done.
We are going to spring clean this weekend. LJ gets the garage and outside while I get the inside and the kids can help with both. It will be such a good feeling once it is all done.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I Don't Wanna Go!
I am SO dreading going to boot camp tonight. I am so so sore now. It is hurting to type these very words in fact. At least people that go to real boot camp have a ending date in their minds that they are working towards. Maybe I should do that. I will do this until we go on vacation in July. Then when we get home I am having surgery that will take 6 weeks to recover from and then maybe I will start back up...who knows. Maybe getting in shape between now and then will help speed up recovery.
Hope so.
Hope so.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Another Night Of Boot Camp
I survived another night at boot camp. I am sore in places that I didn't even know could hurt. I wasn't the oldest though tonight.yipee! There was a 43 yr old there tonight...unfortunately she too was in better shape than me and passed me while running laps. /figures. Now I really can't quit!
Boot Camp
I went to boot camp last night with another Mom from cheer. She has been doing it since November. One of the coaches from cheer leads it at the gym after cheer is over 4 nights a week. It was so hard. I honestly felt like throwing up twice. I am running a lot and doing things that hurt my wrists and stomach. I really want to keep doing it but, I am not sure if it is a good idea. I am not sure if it will strengthen my wrists or injure them. I almost think I need to get in shape before I can even DO boot camp. I never quit though I just kept going at the speed I could go. I was the oldest person in the group too. I don't think that has ever happened to me. Even Barrett the coach is younger than me. It makes me want to keep doing it even more.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter.
I hope everyone had a good a blessed Easter day despite the rainy weather. We went to church and then out to lunch and then home for an indoor egg hunt. I think that is the first time ever we have had to have the egg hunt inside. It was fun though. The kids decided to hide them again on their own after we emptied them. Kylee had her competition at Frontier City this weekend as well and they got 2nd place. Go Heat All Stars! It was a nice weekend and we had a good visit with Meme.
Monday, April 6, 2009
My Biopsy came back normal
Just to let you all know my biopsy came back normal...which I knew it would really. I still don't have answers but at least I know I am normal. Well, I guess that depends on who you ask. LOL.
Conner Got A Double!
Conner got a double in the game on Sunday. We were all huddled in coats hats gloves and even blankets just praying for the game to hurry up so we could get out of the extreme wind and 40 degree weather...when Conner got up to bat and he did awesome! I screamed all the way around the bases with him. Go Conner!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Tournament Weekend
Conner has his first baseball tournament this weekend. He played 2 games yesterday which both Nana and Papa John were able to come up for. It started out a little chilly and windy but then got warm and stayed completely windy all day. They have another game today at 12...and it is COLD and windy not looking forward to it. We are definitely still trying to get used to baseball.
In my opinion it is too much for these 7 yr old boys. 2 games a week plus batting practice where we can fit it in. Not to mention this weekend long tournament. These parents are SO competitive too. It makes me cringe to think what they must think of Conner since he hasn't hit a ball yet.
LeeJay was fit to be tied yesterday. Conner was last to hit on the line up for both games and he got benched twice. We picked up two kids for the tournament supposedly because they would make our game stronger and they weren't any better than our boys! Of course they played the whole time and never got benched either. I really hate the sports systems here. They are so political and ridiculously competitive at such a young age. All we are teaching our kids is that if your aren't naturally the best and a strong athlete when you are 5 or 7 then you might as well not even try anymore.
I guess I just don't get it. It seems like kids just need to be kids again.
In my opinion it is too much for these 7 yr old boys. 2 games a week plus batting practice where we can fit it in. Not to mention this weekend long tournament. These parents are SO competitive too. It makes me cringe to think what they must think of Conner since he hasn't hit a ball yet.
LeeJay was fit to be tied yesterday. Conner was last to hit on the line up for both games and he got benched twice. We picked up two kids for the tournament supposedly because they would make our game stronger and they weren't any better than our boys! Of course they played the whole time and never got benched either. I really hate the sports systems here. They are so political and ridiculously competitive at such a young age. All we are teaching our kids is that if your aren't naturally the best and a strong athlete when you are 5 or 7 then you might as well not even try anymore.
I guess I just don't get it. It seems like kids just need to be kids again.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Today, I May Very Well Lose My Mind...
I am borrowing a line from Kate Goslen of John and Kate Plus 8. "Today, I may very well lose my mind." Who else feels this way? I seem to feel it more and more as I get older. LOL.
5:30 am Kylee is standing next to my bed saying her tummy is "gassy" and asking for a gas X pill. I give her one and head her back to bed...of course on the way I have to let Boomer outside to go to the bathroom and then we see Carson in the hallway. "Mommy, I had a bad dream." Third night in a row for him and I to end up in the guest room due to a bad dream. I think it has turned into my bad dream! We settle down when here comes Kylee again." I just threw up." I asked her if she made it to the bathroom and she said " No, it is on my floor." Seriously! At what point should we expect our children to be able to recognize the signs and get to the bathroom or at least a trashcan . Which incidentally, was right next to her bed. Literally a few inches from where she hit the floor. She is almost 10! Even Carson my almost 5 year old can tell when it is coming and get to the bathroom. Grosses me out!
So here we are, at 7:30 am and Kylee has gone back to sleep. I need to wake her up and see how she feels. Carson and I never went back to sleep of course. So, he is going to be cranky this afternoon.
Today is not a good day to have a sick child home from school either. I am going to have a biopsy on my uterus at 2:00. They said it is no big deal...the procedure that is. I am a little nervous. Just because the last time a doctor told me it was no big deal...on a dye test I had done...where they ran dye through my Fallopian tubes...I passed out when I stood up afterwards and then when I came to I threw up. My body reacts so weird to things like that. Even when I was in labor with all 3 kids I threw up with contractions. So, I really need LeeJay to drive me there and if Kylee is home sick I am going to have to go alone. Such is life right? Hope everyone has a much less crazy day than us.
5:30 am Kylee is standing next to my bed saying her tummy is "gassy" and asking for a gas X pill. I give her one and head her back to bed...of course on the way I have to let Boomer outside to go to the bathroom and then we see Carson in the hallway. "Mommy, I had a bad dream." Third night in a row for him and I to end up in the guest room due to a bad dream. I think it has turned into my bad dream! We settle down when here comes Kylee again." I just threw up." I asked her if she made it to the bathroom and she said " No, it is on my floor." Seriously! At what point should we expect our children to be able to recognize the signs and get to the bathroom or at least a trashcan . Which incidentally, was right next to her bed. Literally a few inches from where she hit the floor. She is almost 10! Even Carson my almost 5 year old can tell when it is coming and get to the bathroom. Grosses me out!
So here we are, at 7:30 am and Kylee has gone back to sleep. I need to wake her up and see how she feels. Carson and I never went back to sleep of course. So, he is going to be cranky this afternoon.
Today is not a good day to have a sick child home from school either. I am going to have a biopsy on my uterus at 2:00. They said it is no big deal...the procedure that is. I am a little nervous. Just because the last time a doctor told me it was no big deal...on a dye test I had done...where they ran dye through my Fallopian tubes...I passed out when I stood up afterwards and then when I came to I threw up. My body reacts so weird to things like that. Even when I was in labor with all 3 kids I threw up with contractions. So, I really need LeeJay to drive me there and if Kylee is home sick I am going to have to go alone. Such is life right? Hope everyone has a much less crazy day than us.
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