Come Take A Walk With Us...

Friday, January 7, 2011

1.What is your current favorite book, and why?
I am completely engrossed in the 6th book of the Outlander series by Diana Gibaldon. The title is The Fiery Cross. I cannot stop reading it! They are very deep into Scottish history and now Scottish immigrants to the early American colonies still under British control. the cool twist is somehow the main character is able to time travel between THE 1770'S AND 1970'S.

2. Do you go to the dentist regularly?
Yes..and the orthodontist since I have had braces for 6 months now. Only 6 more months to go!

3. What is your worst memory from High School?
The whole 4

4. What do you hope to be remembered for in your life?
Wow. I want to be remembered as a genuine friend and a kind loving person.

5. Are you superstitious or do you have any superstitions?
None what so ever!


Anonymous said...

here's mine

annies home said...

wow really the whole 4 years that would be very sad you can read my answers at

Party Of Five said...

I really was joking about the whole 4 yrs. My Mother in law even called me about it and was worried. No, school was fine..just a lifetime ago.