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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Am I Really Living Life?

Not to get philosophical and stray from my usual "puff" pieces and not to say I am no totally content and happy with all my decisions thru the years...BUT...I am asking myself, am I Really living my life? I look at some of the things people from my past have accomplished and it makes me realize how far away I am from what I used to say I wanted to do and I didn't even get close to that. Sometimes I wish we could have a chance to live our lives like the movie "Family Man" starring Nicholas Cage...just to say"what if" for a few moments. Okay, I'm done.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Look what you have accomplished! You have 3 beautiful children and a happy family. As stay at home moms, I think it is completely normal to ask ourselves that question. It is hard not to compare ourselves to our friends. But, do our friends have all the joy that we have with our beautiful, healthy, and happy babies. If your not happy, I say go out there and get what you want. We tell our children, "you can do anything you set your mind to" So can you. Good Luck Carrie!!!