Come Take A Walk With Us...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Call Me Crazy!

Good Morning. I know most people really hate the time change and especially when they lose an hour but I love it for one very selfish reason. I get my alone time back in the morning again. For about a month Carson has been getting up earlier and earlier to the point where he is standing next to me in the morning saying "Wake up Mommy!" Not Today! It is 7:12 (new time) and everyone is still blissfully asleep. Too bad I have to wake them in 15 minutes so they have enough time to shower before school. OOOps I spoke too soon, I heard a sneeze come form the boys room. Have a great one y'all!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

So I can't figure out how to respond from my blog? Gap is where I got the shirt. I was hoping we could play in the AM but have a MOMS deal to go to - what does Thursday look like for you? If you are open let me know.