I haven't been on here in forever it seems. Maybe because the kids have been home for their 2nd Winter break. Really! There were 2 major storms that blew threw and the kids missed almost 2 weeks of school. We will see how the district decides to handle the lack of built in snow days. I will be one unhappy parent if they tack them on to the end of the school year. We already have our disney trip booked and paid for to leave a couple of days after school gets out. I would really hate for Carson to miss Kindergarten graduation and Kylee to miss 5th grade graduation...but Mickey is more important! Well, more importantly, not losing money is a big factor.
So, things are slowly returning to normal this week. After being out off and on for two weeks, a full week of school has proven to be exhausting for myself and for the kids. I am so tired by 9 at night.
Here are a few shots from our snow days.
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