Come Take A Walk With Us...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What Were You Doing That September Morning?

Everyone in America will always remember what they were doing that morning. Some may have worse stories and horrible occurrences and vivid memories than others but we all remember. Please feel free to share through comments on here.
Our Story:
I was in the kitchen making breakfast for Kylee whom had just turned 2 years old three days earlier. I was extremely pregnant and already having contractions from time to time with Conner. I had the tv on The Today Show when I realized they were talking and confused and trying to figure out some great disturbance. Anytime they stray from scrip it catches my attention. I just stood there in shock for a minute or two. At this point I decided to go wake Lee Jay up and tell him a plane just crashed into one of the towers in NY City. As I enter the bedroom and turn on the tv it is showing a plane crash into the other That is when the world changed. Everything seemed to move slower; like being in a time warp. I know for me all I could think about was my child and my soon to be born child and how they are going to live?
As a nation I think we did come together and we did overcome. I think it has made us who we are today. We are strong and we are fighters. We will always band together in times of crisis. It is who we are. Americans. Family. Friends.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How Can She Be 12?

12. Already? How? I literally just put her in the contraption called an infant carrier car seat for the first time. It took forever to figure out how to snap the belt without hurting her! She was so tiny we thought they were crazy for letting us take her home. Shouldn't she weigh more? At 5 lbs 15 oz we hitched a wheel chair ride down the elevator to our waiting car with LeeJay looking just as scared as I am feeling. We were headed home to start our new adventure. Now at 12 she has headed off to middle school starting her own adventure. So while she wants to jump for joy...i just want to cry. Where did my baby go? 12. I just can't seem to grasp it yet.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hot Hot Hot!!!!

You know it has been over 100 degrees nearly every day for the past 2 months when you have not one but TWO $600 electric bills back to back. Oh My Gosh! Maybe we should have done more research before deciding to add an upstairs to our house. We doubled our electric bill! The funny thing is always hot up there. To the point of being unbearable during the day. There has to be a solution. If you happen to have any ideas...please share!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Change On The Horizon

It is only natural that as we progress in our family life that the children are needing and wanting more things. Such as braces, cars and college. So, looks like Momma is headed back to work!
I have been a stay at home mom and out of the work force for nearly 12 years. Wow...that is a long time. I have been tossing around many ideas for the past year and always end up with the same solution. I need a career that enables me to be available for the children at any time without being tied to a 9-5 job at an office or school etc.. I have always been a people person and love to work with the public. I also love looking at houses and all the new and old things about them. I see beauty in so many different things despite the age of the house. So, even though this seems to be a less than perfect time to begin a career in Real Estate, that is the road I am going to travel down. I began my courses about two weeks ago and cannot wait to get started!
So to all my friends and family and even those I do not know....keep me in mind for any future Real Estate transactions you may need. I am looking forward to this change in my life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First Day Of Summer

I have been looking forward to school being over for weeks. Then, yesterday was marked by a rash of tornado's sweeping through our state and less than a mile from our house. We had to get our neighbors and head into our shelter yesterday afternoon for a couple of scary hours. Not my idea of a summer celebration I can tell you that! Luckily the tornado turned and did not come right for us like they were projecting. Unfortunately, it did hit the town next to us and a child is now missing. That poor poor family. I just pray they find the child soon.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Into Spring!!!

As all the flowers, grass, trees, veggies and fruits start to bloom and come back to life so does life in the Osburn home. Spring is always the time when we kick it into gear and don't seem to rest again until school is out and we move onto summer.

One thing I always try to tackle in the spring time is spring cleaning. This is when I pick a room or a closet or a hall to tackle each day until I am all the way finished. Yes I know some think this is an obsolete practice, but, for us it is crucial. It helps me maintain and lets me know I am doing a much better job helping to keep my family healthy. I have to get all dust of baseboards, under beds, couches, behind shoes, you name it. It also helps to keep things decluttered. As I clean I also tend to purge and remove items from our house that haven't been touched in a year. It is a great time to donate items and hold onto your receipt for tax time next year!

This time of year is also greatly consumed by our favorite pass Both boys play and practice 3 to 4 days a we practically live at the ball fields come spring. This year also has brought on a surge for my daughter to vamp up her tumbling skills as she prepares to try out for the competitive squad for middle school next year. So she is spending many hours a week working on her back tuck etc... busy busy bees we tend to be in the spring.

So from our family to yours: Here's to a fabulously busy spring! I will stop to smell the roses with you in June!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Hurt Of Loss In Our Lives

It is hard to explain the burden placed on my heart this week. It is also hard to not be angry and to try to find reason and meaning behind the hurt and loss that I and many others are feeling today. More than anything it is hard to fathom the pain that those left behind are meant to suffer and the big question of course being why? Why should this happen to such a nice and loving family? Why so many tragic endings in one small family circle? Especially a family that was so looked up to. In a family that many wished they had and could be a part of. Is it irony? Is it comic? Is it some sick twisted fate? Will we ever know? Probably not. I cannot let myself wallow in it or even dwell on it or ask why for too long or I will get sucked into the abyss of wanting to know why and to find answers that seem unobtainable with out concrete proof.Therefore, all I can do is pray. Pray for peace and understanding to come to me and to those who suffer together or alone through this trying time in life. Even if substantial answers are not granted at least peace will come into our hearts for now. For now, we can have a little peace until that day comes when we can ask in person all our unanswered worries and questions.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Now That The Snow Is Behind Us

I haven't been on here in forever it seems. Maybe because the kids have been home for their 2nd Winter break. Really! There were 2 major storms that blew threw and the kids missed almost 2 weeks of school. We will see how the district decides to handle the lack of built in snow days. I will be one unhappy parent if they tack them on to the end of the school year. We already have our disney trip booked and paid for to leave a couple of days after school gets out. I would really hate for Carson to miss Kindergarten graduation and Kylee to miss 5th grade graduation...but Mickey is more important! Well, more importantly, not losing money is a big factor.

So, things are slowly returning to normal this week. After being out off and on for two weeks, a full week of school has proven to be exhausting for myself and for the kids. I am so tired by 9 at night.
Here are a few shots from our snow days.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Moving Up In The World

I am....moving up in the world. I got the all new highly impressive Evo HTC 4G Shift this weekend. I hope I got all of that It is way too smart for me. I am trying (and doing remarkably well I might add)to figure it all out. it is really cool. I went to get a case for it Sunday and it is so new that they haven't even received the cases yet.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Manic Monday

It might snow today. So, everything is of course depending on that one factor. life shuts down around here if it snows and the temp is below freezing. The kids will not have school and that changes everything. I am supposed to get back to Zumba today. We shall see.
We had a lovely weekend as I hope everyone in blogville did. Hope everyone has a great week too!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Difference a Day Makes.

My wonderful children let us sleep in yesterday. The whole day was quite blissful. Everyone got along and played well together. We took the kids to Pops and had just a great family day. THEN today they wake up cross and fighting. What happened? Kylee already got grounded by Lee Jay and we haven't even made it to church yet. Good grief!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

1.What is your current favorite book, and why?
I am completely engrossed in the 6th book of the Outlander series by Diana Gibaldon. The title is The Fiery Cross. I cannot stop reading it! They are very deep into Scottish history and now Scottish immigrants to the early American colonies still under British control. the cool twist is somehow the main character is able to time travel between THE 1770'S AND 1970'S.

2. Do you go to the dentist regularly?
Yes..and the orthodontist since I have had braces for 6 months now. Only 6 more months to go!

3. What is your worst memory from High School?
The whole 4

4. What do you hope to be remembered for in your life?
Wow. I want to be remembered as a genuine friend and a kind loving person.

5. Are you superstitious or do you have any superstitions?
None what so ever!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Congratulations to My Geography Bee Girl!

Kylee won 2nd place in the geography bee at her school today. So very proud of our girl. They were really hard and confusing questions too. Congratulations honey!!!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ok...well, I thought today was an amazing planned out and going my way kind of day...until school called and my little one is waiting patiently for me to bring him his lunch...oops..sorry baby!

Tackle it Tuesday-Back To School Day.

I am so proud of myself! I woke up early enough to have a cup of tea and read a chapter in my book then to boil eggs and make waffles for breakfast and get all 3 kids bathed and dressed in time for school. Best of all...not once did I feel crunched for time...all went quite smoothly.

The plan today is to get the house back in order. I had originally planned on finishing up laundry (that was started yesterday) and cleaning the house. Now, I am being realistic with my set goal and thinking I will not have time for all of I am giving myself 2 days to finish the assigned tasks. Such a good feeling getting back to normalcy after the month long holiday. The only problem is my house always feels so bare and empty after taking all the holiday decor down. Now, I need to go shopping. I love having those two words in the same sentence. Need and Shopping. I don't see those two together very often so when I do it makes me giddy.

So now I have a plan for the rest of the week as well. Shopping for home decor...yeah! What a great week it is shaping up to be.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

5 Question Friday

1. How long does your Christmas tree stay up?
From The week before Thanksgiving to The day after Christmas...usually.

2. Do you have plans for New Year's Eve?
Yes..went to good friends house

3. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
Yes...1. to give up facebook...spend much less time on there. 2. To stop gossiping....

4. How did you spend New Year's Eve when you were younger?
Watching Dick Clark

5. What was the best way you've ever spent New Year's Eve?
Too many good ones to about worst instead...sending baloons to Heaven to say good bye to a wonderful friend.

Party Of Five: Happy New Year!

Party Of Five: Happy New Year!: "Welcome 2011! How crazy is that? Can it really already be 2011? Remember being little and thinking that time dragged on and on? I can think ..."

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2011! How crazy is that? Can it really already be 2011? Remember being little and thinking that time dragged on and on? I can think of many times when I thought 30 minutes was a never ending abyss that I would never make it out of! Today I cannot seem to bargain for 30 minutes to sit and have a cup of coffee and type on my blog. Ironic or some cheap trick from the heaven's above?

I am happy to see 2011 though. I am happy to see my children grow into young people that seem to want and need a purpose as well as striving to search for a meaning in life. They are changing before my very eyes. They are marching right along with time itself. I really wish I had a rewind and fast forward button for our lives! Just to stop and savor each moment a little bit more.

So here's to savoring, striving for, enjoying, remembering and making this year- 2011- last a little longer and always to remain a perfect memory to look back on in our minds forever. We can always rewind a enjoy a memory again and again in our minds, right?